UNSUSPECTING visitors waiting to see Edinburgh Zoo’s new giant pandas have become the victims of a jealous penguin rage.
The BBC reports several rockhopper penguins, whose enclosure neighbours the pandas’ enclosure, could be suffering from a case of “monochrome jealousy” and are taking their envy out on innocent bystanders.
A 41-year-old zoo-goer, who didn’t want to be named said: “We were queuing to see the pandas when a man in front shouted out in surprise that his jacket had been hit by a big dollop of penguin poo.

Read more: http://www.news.com.au/travel/news/jealous-penguins-pelt-poo-at-edinburgh-zoo-panda-watchers/story-e6frfq80-1226227540063#ixzz1hhgdl217
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