Antarctic Guide Blog
Icelandic off-road company sets record South Pole crossing
Guinness recognized a new world record for the fastest overland journey to the South Pole this week. The expedition occurred in December 2010, when two modified Toyota Hilux trucks travelled 1,434 miles across the Antarctic High Plateau in 108 hours.
Antarctic mission to look for life in sub-glacial lake
Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey will drill 3km through ice sheet to take samples from Lake Ellsworth. Researchers from the British Antarctic Survey (BAS) will use a hot-water “drill” to cut through the ice cap to Lake Ellsworth, on the western Antarctic ice sheet. By sampling the contents of the lake, which is liquid because […]
Using Antarctic grass to develop frost tolerant wheat
A research team based in Victoria is getting some encouraging results from its genetic testing done on antarctic hair grass. (Deschampsia Antarctica). For the last ten years the Department of Primary Industries in Victoria has been trying to develop a frost tolerant wheat. Research scientist Ulrik John says they have had some success identifying the crucial genes […]